“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

— Maya Angelou

  • Hospitality vs. Service

    What is the main difference between providing hospitality and providing a service?

    In the link below, you’ll find many articles, resources, training exercises, and more to discover what what it means to be part of the hospitality industry.

  • Guest Experience

    What does the guest experience mean to you? What are some of the best ways that we can create amazing memorable experiences for guests that keep them coming back for more?

    In the link below, you’ll discover tools and ways to help create new experiences for guests in your establishment.

  • Resources

    We don’t have it all covered? Don’t sweat it!

    We’ve provided links to other knowledgable people who might have what your looking for! Videos, articles, book lists - you name it!


Personal Growth & Wellness


Cocktail Compendium