An industry veteran, I have been working in kitchens and bars for 20 years now. I have been fortunate to travel throughout my career to work with really cool people in beautiful places such as Costa Rica, Abu Dhabi, Hawaii, Italy, Austria, England, and Spain. I love teaching, passing along tips, and sharing stories. Like many I have met in the service industry over the years, I am a serial hustler with at least 3 projects on back burners at all times and a huge to-do list.
During the craziness of 2020, I was introduced to an online community of industry misfits that just cemented something I had always known...regardless of language, position, culture, or type of venue, many of us deal with the same kind of frustrations. Reminiscing with my new online community, I came up with the idea to make it into a game. If we could laugh about common mishaps and it could lead us to create new connections over shared stories, I decided other industry folks should be able to as well.
I decided to take a chance and invest in myself and my idea. I created Heard, inspired by stories collected from bartenders, chefs, servers, managers, and dishwashers among others. I don't know how far this will go, but I know I love this industry in spite of all its flaws because of the people that I am fortunate to cross paths with and have an unspoken understanding with. Cheers to all the SINners out there!
You can check out Heard on social media at @Heardcard game or head to the link below by clicking Heard! to check out their store!