Chandler Tomayko

An industry veteran, I have been working in kitchens and bars for 20 years now. I have been fortunate to travel throughout my career to work with really cool people in beautiful places such as Costa Rica, Abu Dhabi, Hawaii, Italy, Austria, England, and Spain. I love teaching, passing along tips, and sharing stories. Like many I have met in the service industry over the years, I am a serial hustler with at least 3 projects on back burners at all times and a huge to-do list.

During the craziness of 2020, I was introduced to an online community of industry misfits that just cemented something I had always known...regardless of language, position, culture, or type of venue, many of us deal with the same kind of frustrations. Reminiscing with my new online community, I came up with the idea to make it into a game. If we could laugh about common mishaps and it could lead us to create new connections over shared stories, I decided other industry folks should be able to as well.

I decided to take a chance and invest in myself and my idea. I created Heard, inspired by stories collected from bartenders, chefs, servers, managers, and dishwashers among others. I don't know how far this will go, but I know I love this industry in spite of all its flaws because of the people that I am fortunate to cross paths with and have an unspoken understanding with. Cheers to all the SINners out there!

You can check out Heard on social media at @Heardcard game or head to the link below by clicking Heard! to check out their store!

Ready to Play?

Shuffle those cards and get ready to play “Heard”! Tune in to this episode of Bardtenders to get the inside scoop on the inspiration behind this amazing game!

Want to take your game to the next level? Head to the website to buy the Bardtenders expansion pack! We designed a special expansion pack that combines life behind the bar with class Dungeons & Dragons!


Tony Marrone 🎨


Joshua Jacobs 🎤📸